Implantology is an area identified as being complex, requiring technical dexterity and multiple skills for a safe and effective clinical practice.
Thus, Dentists feel the need to develop technical and scientific knowledge, which will allow them to diagnose, plan and perform procedures related to implantology. Therefore, IPAS, with this course, intends to provide its students with knowledge and technical and scientific skills for their professional growth, always having as a premise the intensive practice in real patients combined with the Digital Era.
Clinical Residence
February 2024
Combining excellent professionals with innovative techniques and quality materials, allows for a training of excellence.
It is for this reason that IPAS has a team of professionals of excellence that allow us to combine the theoretical, theoretical-practical component (hands-on) and clinical practice in patients. Having IPAS the fundamental "ingredients" for a sustained training, we will be able to provide our students with quality learning moments that allow them to "grow" at a professional level and apply the acquired knowledge in their daily clinical activity. For all those who know that our DNA is intensive clinical practice on patients, we would like to inform you that more than 45% of the total course load is devoted to this.
Teaching Staff
Paulo Ribeiro
Hélder Oliveira
António M. Faria
Luís Filipe
Rodrigo Miyagi
How many modules does the course take and what is the respective workload?
6 modules | 112 hours.
The modules will be developed by a theoretical, theoretical-practical component (hands-on) and clinical practice on real patients from the second module onwards.
How many implants can I place during the course?
Each student will place at least 10 implants and subsequently rehabilitate them.
From which module does the clinic start?
The clinical part starts in the 2nd module.
What brand of implants are used in the implantology courses developed by IPAS?
The implant brand used will be Klockner, a Spanish company that has been manufacturing implants since 1987. Additionally, this brand has more than 1.5 million implants placed in patients and they invest a great deal in product innovation and development. Therefore, we believe it will be the ideal brand for our students to learn the most advanced techniques in the world of implantology.
Can I bring patients?
Yes, any student can bring patients to document or properly documented according to the requirements used by IPAS.
Is it necessary to acquire specific instruments?
No, IPAS will provide all the necessary material for the course except the clinical shoes.
Does this course allow the attribution of an academic degree and/or ECTS credits?
In accordance with the amendments to Decree-Law No. 74/2006, of 24 March, as amended by Decree-Law No. 65/2018, of 16 August, by virtue of what is stated in article 4(6) of the latter legal diploma, "It is reserved to higher education institutions the use of the terms "post-graduate", "post-graduate training" and others that suggest that higher education training is in question" , with the consequence that it is no longer possible to use those designations, or others that resemble them, by training institutes or centres that are not duly recognised and accredited higher education institutions. It also follows from that legal restriction that recognized and accredited higher education institutions may not be used to cover the operation of training courses, which are advertised and offered by those institutes or centres, as "post-graduate courses", "specializations", "post-graduate training courses", "advanced training courses", since, conjugated with article 45º1(f) of the above mentioned decree-law and articles 45º-A(4) and 45º-B(b), it will not be legally possible to award ECTS credits for such training.
Who is this course aimed at?
The course is suitable for dentists who wish to start in the world of Implantology and Oral Rehabilitation, as well as for those who wish to update and complement their skills in this area. Therefore, this course developed by IPAS is transversal and covers from the basic concepts of Implantology to the resolution of complex cases.
What makes the course developed by IPAS more appealing than other trainings?
The great differentiating factors of the Clinical Residency in Implantology and Oral Rehabilitation are, above all, the fact that we combine professionals/teachers of excellence with innovative techniques, as well as the strong practical component, already present in the second module of the course. Another key point of this course is the close monitoring and the total availability of the teachers to help the student in clinical practice.